All about MAD

MAD Notes



Fri. 14 Mar



Ritterstraße 8, 10969 Berlin







Dance is a frictionless e-bike subscription service that saw its debut in Berlin in 2020.

BrandingUX/UI DesigniOS developmentWeb development

A wealth of experience, close collaboration, and an ambitious timeline brought Dance to life.

Three founders, one branding agency, and a design studio (that’s us!) came together to conceptualise and realise Dance, an urban mobility startup providing cutting edge e-bikes via a monthly subscription. The timeline dictated that strategy, branding, and design would need to happen in parallel.

A permanent feedback loop kept us iterating until the day of release and beyond. We designed and developed the marketing website, the subscription website, and ultimately the companion app. Developing software to accompany city-changing hardware was a challenge we were excited to take on.

Dance Responsive WebsiteDance Responsive Website
Dance Website
Dance App Store Icon
Dance UI components

Since launch we have retained an R&D role with Dance, advising on product direction and conceptualising new features.

Do you have an existing product that needs some external eyes for a few weeks? Give us a shout.

Dance App UIDance App Mood Image
Dance App UIDance App Mood Image
Alexander Ljung Portrait

Many agencies deliver OK results; a few truly get it and deliver excellent work, yet only a very select set manage to do that while also being a total joy to work with. MAD is one of those rare agencies that does just that, and that’s why we love working with them.

— Alexander Ljung (Chairman at Dance),
Co-Founder Soundcloud


E-bike too pricey? Subscribe to one instead.

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This could be a disruptive moment in the e-bike space.

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If you are interested in learning more about Dance or the transformation of urban mobility as well as developing a software and hardware solution reach out to